
Appropriate Activities, Accommodation & Aloe vera

We all leave a foot print, or a track, some sign that We have passed along the way.

The  African Fish Eagle leaves a track too, it is that track that Development Holidays would like to set in stone.

Our Aims


Action is necessary and our activities are aimed at developing our site into a sustainable and autonomous business model. Focusing on agriculture and developing the resources that are obvious and cannot be ignored.


Finding the right people is probably the greatest challenge this project will face. The kind of people we need want to leave a positive footprint. It is important that we are able to connect with these individuals and organisations that want to share their professionals skills and passions

Aloe Vera

The venture that has inspired the setting up of the lodges is aloe vera farming. The location, climate and abundance of fresh water from Lake Kariba makes the site ideal for farming aloe vera. The community is need of such ambitious development with dwindling natural supplies..


We want to build accommodation to a very high  standard using local materials, local labour force and to seek the technical expertise of skilled international professionals. This to ensure that we reach the level of excellence that is an integral pillar of our vision and mission.

The Tobwe River Villodge

Simatelele, Binga District


Some places need more development than others and each place presents its resources and challenges. I cotantly find myself unable to understand why areas with such outstanding potential always seems to produce the most minimal output.

In my opinion and observation the start up capital required to get things started can only be successful if the right eyes get to see the  vision.

I am hoping that my passion and drive are able to get this project the necessary capital and support to get it started. It is a seemingly impossible task but the need outweighs any challenges that lie ahead.


The journey has begun and the network of people is growing. One stone at a time we plan to build our Villodge and make the impossible possible.

Marvin Mutangara (Project Founder)