
About Us

We are a passionate and progressive network  of like minded individuals.

The Team

Marvin Mutangara


A people person with  practical ideas and drive for action. Positive attitude and a tourism background. As founder the right person to perform the executive duties of this ambitious network.

Christopher Kumora

Senior Partner

A professional with a clear vision and a passion for optometry and all things vision. The ideal business partner with the ability to check, control and keep the focus on the practicalities.

Anne Minothi Aasvold


Our international partner and ethical pillar. A pro active power bank providing a highly critical opinion on transparency, accountability, standards and social impact


“The difficult is what takes a little time. The impossible is what takes a little longer.”

― Fridtjof Nansen

Shane Stockil

Associate Partner

A peak performer professionally and socially. An active medical professional  who possesses the ability to diagnose well beyond the field of medicine. An associate that provides  distinct direction.

By combining our strengths and professional skills we have created a network that is determined and driven. We are now set to leave a foot print as solid as the stone that covers our land  and an impact as sustainable as that of the fish eagle that is a symbol of our inspiration

We believe that the only way to succeed is by endeavour. With such an abundance of poor examples in Africa and across the world ,we trust that a solid vision that is easy to understand is what sets us apart.


Marvin Mutangara