

We would like to construct and furnish 6 customised buildings with programmed interiors to provided comfortable functional accommodation for skilled professionals, human resource volunteers,  future guests and interested visitors.


Land preparation, infrastructure development, permaculture, agriculture,material propogation,construction and interior design are some of the activities that we focus on for development.


We are focusing on partnering with like minded individuals and organisations for mutual benefits. People who understand  Win, Win through openness and transparency in an effort to combine ethics, climate, shelter, water, energy, soil to produce food.


The project is located on Lake Kariba, Simatelele in the Binga District and is designated for fish farming. The project aims at farming tilapia because of its rapid growth, large size, high protein content and yummy taste.

Our Mission

accommodation- a convenient arrangement

activities- the condition in which things are being done.

appropriate- suitable or proper in the circumstances

aquaculture-the rearing of aquatic animals

Our Vision

feed the fish

feed the fish eagle

feed the families

feed the future