In memory of my father Enock Hamamiti Mutangara
1 January 1951-4 February 2015
Family is probably the institution that I believe in the most, a network that forms the individual.
It is where you know that you always belong and in all honestly there is not much choice to who your family is.
I now have family in my home country Zimbabwe and my family now extends into Norway.
It is important to be thankful if you chose to be and I find that it keeps my mind clear and my life simple.
I would like to take this opportunity to clarify in simple detail my vision and purpose on this planet. Earlier this year my Dad succumbed to cancer and I was fortunate to have him see me fulfil a small portion of my dreams.
His greatest wish for me was to take one of my many great ideas and do something of my own.
We are all familiar with the days of the week, I am using them here to express some of my thoughts.
Ethics (Mondays)
Ethics are basically why family is important. It is from there that one set his or hers moral compass. A start point of the gps tracking system of our lifes journey. Sound ethics are as important as the air we breath and determine where and sometimes when our final point will be and how far we have managed to travel.
Climate (Tuesdays)
Climate is a lot like family in that we do not have much of a choice into what climate we are born into. However like family once you are a part of a climate you have to deal with it and live with it. Climate cannot be ignored because that is the stage/podium on which our life is set. It is from there that the rest of the world and the different climates can be reached but it is important to identify with the place that nature imprints on you.Ignoring that can have catastropic
Soil (Wednesdays)
Nature is fair in that it has given us all a uniform structure and some places have rich soil and other have poor soils.We all however have got soil. Most would be inclined to be in positioned where the soil is rich but again that by nature is not for us to choose. We simply have to make the best of where we are and what we have in terms of resource.
Water (Thursdays)
Water is probably the most important resource, more important than, oil, gas, gold or diamonds. I suppose its obvious abundance and apparent visibilty make us unable to imagine that we would never have enough. Water is essential and there is something about being close to it that gives a certain peaceful calming assurance and respect reminder.
Shelter (Fridays)
Everybody understands the importance of having a safe place or shelter, its built into us all. From birds building nests to bears digging dens its something that seems to make sense. Once people have secured a safe and comfortable place to stay I think the next step is productivity. Most of the problems facing a large portion of humanity are due to the fact that we are missing a step. If we jump forward and get our priorities wrong we can only expect chaos.
Energy ( Saturdays)
Fuel is required to provide energy and fuel comes in many forms from the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink. The idea of energy seems to be visible across all aspects of modern life, from our cars, mobile phones, cooking appliances and so on. It is important not to run out off any forms of energy and smart to use energy wisely.
Food (Sundays)
Is the essential ingredient that keeps us all occupied for explained in it simplest form all our activities are to ensure that we can eat. Bankers, teachers, drivers, farmers, accountants are all going to buy some food to feed themselves. I think that if we are equipped that we can provide food for ourselves. It is obvious that some would prefer to be productive in different ways so it is up to those who want to produce food to do so for otheres.
My Opinion
My experiences in life have taken me to many places and have allowed me to meet many different people, cultures, ideas and ways of life. I have learned that I can only speak for myself and can only have an opinion about the things that affect me directly. I would like to use my learned understanding to help with the development of that which I chose to come into contact with.
One of the most important things I have learned is that there are some things that we cannot choose. So it is always good to realise quickly the things that one cannot change. I find when we accept the facts it is the first step in being able to go forward to ahieve many great things. Facts are facts after all.